2022 Impact:

  • 305,000 people using an MSI-provided method of contraception
  • 286,000 clients served
  • 29,000 unsafe abortions averted

Established in 1997, our program in Myanmar takes a dual approach, directly providing services while strengthening local health systems.  

Conditions in Myanmar are challenging. Only one in three women uses any modern method of contraception. Large areas of the country are rural or remote, and frequent natural disasters can make it harder to reach them. But our large network of centers and dedicated outreach teams provide high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare services to communities that have no other options. 

We also collaborate with the government to train newly qualified midwives, who are then sent to rural areas lacking a midwife. Without these midwives, many women in rural areas simply wouldn’t know about contraception. Just one midwife can have a tremendous impact, bringing information about reproductive healthcare to an entire community.  

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