We fight for everyone to have the power to choose their own future, on their terms – by giving women access to contraception and abortion. In 2023, together with donors and partners, we supported 23.3 million women and girls with their reproductive health across 36 countries and six continents.

Choose Choice, Choose Impact

MSI is proud to be a leader in meeting the unprecedented demand for reproductive healthcare, as more women and girls learn about their rights and choices.

Providing reproductive choices not only saves lives and improves health — it advances gender equality by supporting women and girls to access power, giving them agency to drive positive change, boost economic growth, and build a better world.

Click here to view the Annual Report

Impact in 2023:

0 M clients served since MSI was founded in 1976
0 M people provided with reproductive healthcare (11% more than 2022)
0 M unintended pregnancies prevented
0 M unsafe abortions prevented
0 women's lives saved
0 M adolescents received reproductive healthcare
0 reproductive rights policy wins for reproductive rights
0 M couple years of protection (35.4M contraceptive couple years of protection CYP*)
0 M DALYs averted** (Disability Adjusted Life-Years)

In 2023, MSI served our two hundred millionth client.
We delivered life-changing healthcare to 93,000 women
and girls every day — more than ever before.

*CYP = Couple Years of Protection is protection from pregnancy for one year.
**DALY = expresses the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability, or early death.

Reaching Women,
Wherever They Are

MSI’s local teams served 12.8M people with little or no prior access

MSI’s 300+ mobile outreach teams and 750 MSI Ladies (local nurses) traveled on foot, by cars and trucks, and in boats to rural and poor communities where the need is greatest. The millions of clients we met along the way reconfirmed that these services can be the difference between being trapped in poverty or gaining financial independence.

Our pioneering geo-mapping enabled us to go where no one else does — to the very last mile — helping women avoid or space a pregnancy by giving them a range of choices. And our approaches are evolving. In Zambia, by pairing MSI outreach staff with government providers we saw a fivefold increase in the number of people served — nine MSI countries used this approach last year.

Across the 17 African countries where we work, 25% of the demand for contraception is met by MSI.

“I only found out about contraception after health workers visited my community. I was relieved to access MSI services.” Hanta, MSI client in Madagascar

Pregnancy-related deaths would be 15% higher without our programs*

*in the countries where MSI works

In many countries where we work, the risks to a pregnant woman’s life and health can be severe. In Nigeria, a woman is 27 times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related issue than in the US.

Unsafe abortion is a leading cause. By offering abortion within the fullest extent of the law, as well as contraception and post-abortion care, MSI’s providers are saving lives and protecting a woman’s right to her own body.

Last year was proof of that, with 4.6 million people turning to MSI for abortion or post-abortion care.

Whether they visited a clinic, received care from a mobile team, or used one of our quality products from their local pharmacy or delivered to their home, MSI gave them the choice they needed.

MSI supported
2.3M adolescents

Last year, we reached millions of young people at a critical juncture in their lives. With sexual health information and care, we gave them the power to choose if and when to become pregnant — ensuring they can determine their own futures. Our local teams are proud to support girls in their communities to be able to finish school, embark on careers, or simply gain control of their lives. Young people under 25 now represent 40% of all MSI clients.

Adolescents (under 20) face distinct challenges in accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare. When we launched our tailored adolescent strategy in 2018, 6% of our clients were adolescents. In just six years, we’ve almost tripled that across our country programs to 17%, meaning one in six of our clients are adolescents.

Driving choices with digital: Our contact centers had 3.8 million interactions with people last year, over the phone, WhatsApp or online messaging platforms.

MSI helped 4.5M people living through climate disasters and conflict

Last year, local MSI teams were on the frontlines of humanitarian crises in nine countries, from Ethiopia to Afghanistan, bravely supporting vulnerable people.

Our providers helped women avoid unintended pregnancy, alongside distributing menstrual health kits and safe birth delivery kits. And they provided immediate, compassionate healthcare to survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, rates of which surge during crisis situations.

60% of maternal deaths occur in these fragile settings — because our local teams are already operating in these countries, we respond quickly, often as the only organization providing the reproductive healthcare that women need.

“My hope for women is to achieve our dreams, go higher.” Dora, 20, MSI client in Ghana

LOOKING AHEAD Choice for the long term: 12,000 public sector workers mentored by MSI

While MSI delivers life-changing services to those who need it most, we’re future-focused. Our teams are innovating to build long-term access to reproductive choice.

Last year, we partnered with 22 governments to train public sector workers — strengthening facilities, supply chains and national health systems.

7.5 million people accessed reproductive healthcare from 6000 public clinics supported by MSI. This is setting women and girls up for the future, ensuring they can depend on local quality care.

Our unique commercial approach helps to secure future impact. MSI’s paying clients who use services in urban clinics or buy our quality products, are helping fund our last-mile work to support people with no other access. Now, the clinics in 14 of our country programs are covering their own costs, so they can reinvest profits into reaching more people.

In 2024, we need your support!

Our work isn’t done. The world still has a public health crisis on its hands — one that continues to deny people their basic reproductive rights. 257 million people want to be using contraception but have no access, and 40% of women live in countries where abortion is banned, restricted or inaccessible. Meanwhile, global anti-choice influence is increasing.

2024 is the biggest election year in history, with more than 60 elections set to shape the future of women’s health and rights. In this critical year, those of us who believe in the right to choose — healthcare organizations, governments and donors — need to step forward.

MSI’s local teams across the globe have an unmatched ability to deliver world-leading, cost-effective programs.

Urgent investment is needed to protect women’s access to healthcare.
Support global reproductive choice with a donation or partner with us to transform futures.