2024 Impact:

  • 673,000 people using an MSI-provided method of contraception
  • 137,400 unsafe abortions averted

In 2008, MSI began providing sexual and reproductive healthcare in Mali. MSI Mali now works across the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Ségou, Mopti, Timbuktu and Bamako, providing access to high-quality contraception services and life-saving care after an unsafe abortion. 

Through centers, outreach teams, and mobile midwives known as MSI Ladies, we focus on reaching underserved clients, including people living in extreme poverty and adolescents.  

More than 60% of Mali’s population is under 25. We’re focused on reaching young people with contraception to allow them to finish their educations, pursue employment , and follow their chosen paths without worry about an unintended pregnancy.  

With generous support from US donors, we go where others don’t to ensure that everyone has the reproductive healthcare they need to determine their own future.