2024 Impact:

  • 441,200 people using an MSI-provided method of contraception
  • 74,700 unsafe abortions averted

Since 2011, MSI Senegal has provided high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive healthcare to women in the country. With support from generous US donors, MSI Senegal has helped more than double the country’s contraceptive prevalence rate to 27%. 

Our outreach teams travel to rural and remote communities across the country, bringing short-term and long-term contraceptive methods as well as providing lifesaving care following unsafe abortion. We also have a network of centers, including youth-friendly centers specifically focused on meeting the needs of adolescents. 

Dias, an MSI midwife in Senegal, is committed to ensuring every woman can choose the best method for her. “When the women don’t understand family planning, I make sure to explain everything to them very clearly. All the methods, all the possibilities, so they can make their own decisions.”