2024 Impact:

  • 65,000 people using an MSI-provided method of contraception
  • 8,900 unsafe abortions averted

Established in 2007, MSI Timor-Leste is now the country’s largest provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare.  

From coastal towns to mountain villages, MSI’s outreach teams travel to almost all of the country’s districts offering short-term, long-term, and permanent contraceptive methods, as well as STI testing and antenatal care. MSI Timor-Leste is focused on reaching the poorest, most marginalized rural communities, where women have few other options. 

About half of the women in Timor-Leste who want to avoid a pregnancy aren’t currently using a modern method of contraception. As a key player in the country’s public health system, MSI Timor-Leste works closely with public health providers to address gaps in access to contraception, offering training on providing sexual and reproductive healthcare services.