Stories from the frontlines

Our trip to Uganda and Kenya By Coralie Bish, Sara Kirkwood… Read More

What is post-abortion care?

Our team members around the world see the impacts of… Read More

How we reach women seeking abortion care

Imagine you’re a woman seeking an abortion in Ghana or Nepal. Read More

Adolescent pregnancy and the need for choice 

Adolescence is a natural and essential phase for young people to… Read More

Choice is on the ballot

The year 2024 marks a pivotal moment for reproductive rights globally,… Read More

Understanding the Impact of the Global Gag Rule 

Lessons from Uganda and Ethiopia  The United States’ is a leading… Read More

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Read our 2023 Annual Review

MSI is made up of almost 9,000 dedicated professionals… Read More

Read our 2022 Year in Review

“This is a moment of opportunity.” The opposition to choice is… Read More

21 million futures transformed in 2022

In 2022, MSI saw unprecedented demand for sexual and reproductive health… Read More

2021 Year in Review

Learn about your impact for women and girls around the world in 2021. Read More

MSI’s 2021 Impact

34.3 million people worldwide are using a method of contraception provided by MSI. Discover our 2021 impact. Read More

2020 Annual Report

With your support, we were there for women and girls in a difficult year. Read More

Reproductive choice and education

The benefits of supporting girls to stay in school are… Read More

Leave No One Behind

Access to reproductive choice can be life changing. Choice keeps girls… Read More

2020 Blue Door Fund Report

The Blue Door Fund was established to enable MSI… Read More

My Body, My Voice: Women’s views on abortion care

Globally, 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion. Yet, with abortion… Read More

Resilience, Adaptation and Action: MSI’s response to COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to devastate lives and communities across the world,… Read More

2019 Global Impact Report

In 2019, MSI’s bold providers went further than ever to provide… Read More

2019 Blue Door Fund Report

The Blue Door Fund was established to enable MSI… Read More

Evidence and Insights

Across the 36 countries where we deliver services, evidence informs everything… Read More